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I suppose I'd better tell you a little about myself.


Family-2 Offspring=Son Joe 18/Daughter 17 (Future Music Journo.)

Home-Wandsworth LONDON-U.K.


1.Open minded people(i.e.the kind of person that you may not agree with everything they do or say,but are tolerant of ALL people,creeds,religions,politics):-)

2.People with the courage of their convictions(this usually means fellow 'Chainers'though not always..unfortunately.


1.People and or organisations who are 'up themselves' esp.braying P.C types with no experience of life but who insist on preachin' their particular brand of bullying Political Correctness.

2.Loud ignoramous'who insist on livin' their lives in my face..and then take offence at some small thing I might have said."YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE"!!

3.People with no travellin' experience who regale me with tales of their opinions about esp. America..(most of whom have never been nearer the U.S. than their local McDonalds branch!!:-(

4.People who follow 'the crowd'THESE PEOPLE ARE SHEEP!! Be a leader not a follower.I would rather have one 'Real Mate'than a 100 'phoney baloney'mates.

5.People who slag off 'The Chain'without ever having listened to anything they've done (with the possible exception of 'MUNKI') Then I'd join in with them...One Question...Munki?


What a sad sorry way to implode.

Why another JAMC Website??

Simple..JAMC. are so brilliant! so exiting! so sexy!
Everything a great Rock'n'Roll band ought to be..and so much more!!
..and hey if I don't do a new site..WHO WILL !!??

The above question is now slightly irrelevant (happily)

Recommended Sites
Message Boards

I'm going to plug some of my favourite sites (JAMC)related OF COURSE.

1.April Skies website.

Some Candy Talking(Message Board)
SCT getting more interesting by the day.
You will communicate with some lovely JAMC fans.(A MUST !!)


The A.S. message board is beginning to resemble the personal message board of DARA..people are already sayin' this on the board itself..AND I AGREE !!
I will probably post something on the subject when 'work commitments' allow.
More updates soon..

Other sites you MUST visit...

Email Me! at Tastethefloor1@yahoo.co.uk

Another ACE JAMC Website
Well worth a look.


JAMC First-Last and Always...